Privacy Policy Easy application

Last updated 23rd of July, 2024.



1.1 This Personal Information Policy is used for the User to access and register the Application, to offer the User the services located in its main and auxiliary menus, to obtain the services the User is interested in, and to make payments.



2.1 The User shall be an individual over the age of 16 and may download and use the Application on their smartphone. Users are classified as registered users or Customers and unregistered users.



3.1 An unregistered user becomes a Customer (Registered User or Customer) upon signing an Electronic Payment Service Agreement* located in the Application.


3.2 Customers between the ages of 16 and 18, together with their parents, guardians, or guardians, must come to the Service Provider's service center in person and register based on their written permission. * "Electronic payment service agreement" means an agreement between the Service Provider and the customer to deposit and transfer payment for goods, work and services to the Electronic Wallet account, and to provide payment services.



4.1 Customers (Registered Users) who do not fully meet the requirements, who have entered some personal information in the Application, but who have not signed an Electronic Payment Service Agreement, are considered Unregistered Users.



5.1 An unregistered user becomes a customer if he meets one of the following requirements:


5.1.1 Visit the service center of the service provider in person to check and verify your documents; or,

5.1.2 The user's biometric information (such as taking a picture and sending it when instructed by the service provider) matches the information and documents created and transmitted to the application by the application's main system and, if necessary, with the participation of the service provider's employee.


6.1 Surname, first name, registration number, telephone number, home address, job, position, financial information, contact information in case of emergency, individually or several pieces of information together, are personal information of the User.


6.2 Each time the user registers his/her personal information in the Application, he/she must mark his/her consent to the storage and use of such information.


6.3 We use the "Emergency Contact Information" filled in by the user only, when necessary, based on the user's consent.


6.4 When creating an account in the Application, the user has the option to click the photo of the back and front of his ID card using his mobile phone camera to read the information automatically or fill in the information manually.


6.5 The user can scan the QR code/image/ of the invoice using the camera of his/her mobile phone for the purchase credit service and wallet transfer.


6.6 The User is responsible for accurately entering the personal information required to use the Application, and bears any responsibility and risk arising from such incorrect entry.


6.7 User's personal information shall not be disclosed to others without his/her consent, except as provided by law.


6.8 In the case of transferring the User's information to a person who has entered into a contract for the purpose of selling or promoting its products and services in the Application, the User's consent will be obtained only once or several times, and the consent will be given by pressing the "consent" or similar button when providing the information.



7.1 The user agrees to use and transfer his personal data for the following purposes:


7.1.1 analyzing, verifying accuracy and determining financial viability with the help of artificial intelligence;

7.1.2 to improve the quality and availability of services, to conduct research in connection with the launch of new products;


7.1.3 provide the User with information related to the services offered, any promotions, discounts, promotions, changes and other necessary information;


7.1.4 prevent disclosure and loss of user personal information and protect it in accordance with the law;

7.1.5 to provide it within the scope prescribed by law in case of request by the competent government body;

7.1.6 other cases provided by law.


7.2 The User is responsible for the storage of the login name, password, pin code and the security of the device on which the Application is downloaded and installed.


7.3 The user's personal data shall be stored in the manner, form and period prescribed by law.



8.1 The user enters a phone number, login name, password, and one-time password in the Application using passwords, reading any personal information (documents and biometrics), "Approving" or "Rejecting" any other action on the Application is considered a valid action or transaction.


8.2 The user is responsible for carefully reading this personal information policy, and the Service Provider is not responsible for any problems caused by not having read it.



9.1 The User has the right to receive the following services using the Application 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:


9.1.1 credit operations;


9.1.2 factoring operations


9.1.3 Issuance of settlement instruments


9.1.4 electronic payment and money transfer services


9.1.5 Trust Services


9.1.6 investing in short-term financial instruments


9.2 User service manuals, service-related information, inquiries, service and system changes, please contact the Application, Customer Service 7000-0979 (contact the main service or operator for inquiries and information) numbers and the service web page.



10.1 The maximum amount of total transactions from the customer's account in one day is 40,000 MNT, and the maximum amount of money in the electronic account is 100,000 MNT.


10.2 The maximum amount of one-time transaction from the customer's account is 1,000,000 MNT, the maximum amount of total transaction in one day is 5,000,000 MNT, and the maximum amount of money in the electronic account is 20,000,000 MNT.



11.1 The amount of the electronic payment service fee charged to the user shall be set according to the fee and fee conditions approved by the Service Provider* and will be posted in the application.


11.2 The service provider has the right to change the amount of the commission. Changes will be implemented as soon as the Application notifies the customer.


11.3 Fees for services received from parties other than the user shall be governed by the contract concluded with that party.



12.1 The Service Provider has an exclusive right to use the work in accordance with the Copyright Law.


12.2 The service provider has received a special license for non-banking financial activities from the Financial Regulatory Commission.



13. 1 The Service Provider may make additions and changes to this Personal Information Policy and will inform about this through the Application within 30 (thirty) calendar days.


13.2 If the Customer continues to use the Service after the amendment of this policy, it shall be deemed as acceptance of the amendment.


13.3 The conditions related to the deletion of the user's personal data shall be governed by the "Regulations on the deletion of the user's personal data" of BBSB JSC.



14.1 If the Service Provider does not properly fulfill its obligations under this personal information policy, or violates the Agreement, it shall be fully responsible for the actual damages caused to the User.


14.2 The user intentionally or accidentally entered the transaction information incorrectly or incorrectly, confirmed the transaction without fully checking the transaction information, transferred the money to the wrong person, transferred the wrong amount, or transferred a payment that should not have been transferred, entered incorrect or false personal information, used other people's personal information, login name, Losses caused to the Service Provider or other parties due to actions, omissions, or circumstances such as access passwords, PIN codes, and one-time passwords that have been disclosed to others, devices that have downloaded and installed applications have not been secured (such as jailbreaking/rooting, or changing the manufacturer's operating system) responsible.


14.3 Network or technical interruptions during transmission of transaction information, technical interruptions in connection with the User's mobile phone, shutdown, inability to perform transactions due to reasons beyond the control of the service provider, incorrect transactions, transfer of mobile phone or phone SIM card to others, or use The Service provider is not responsible for the damage.



15.1 The Service Provider shall receive and resolve Customer's suggestions and complaints within 5 working days, and if necessary, this period may be extended by up to 30 days.


15.2 Any dispute arising in relation to this personal information policy shall be resolved by mutual agreement between the parties, and in case of disagreement, it shall be resolved by the competent authority or Mongolian court in accordance with the laws of Mongolia.



One. Common ground

    1. This procedure is included in the application with the consent of the user regulate activities related to the deletion of information at the user's request by following link:


Two. User information

2.1 User information includes registration information entered by the user in the application with his/her consent.


Three. Users can manage their own information

3.1 Users can change and manage their personal information entered when using the application through the "My Information" menu.


Four. Registered users delete their personal information

4.1 The user may submit a request to delete the information specified in section 2.1 of this regulation connected to the application.


4.2 The user shall make a written or electronic request to delete his/her personal data.


4.3 If the user wants to cancel his registration, he can come to the service department in person with his electronic identity card.


4.4 In case of electronic cancellation request, the user shall send the request from his/her registered email address to email address.


4.5 According to the request submitted by the user within 5 working days, the user registration will be reviewed and resolved by the "Information Officer" of the "Customer Registration Office" of


4.6 Unregistered users can deactivate their data by calling the number registered in the application through the customer service center hotline.


4.7 Unregistered user accounts will be reviewed and resolved by the "Customer Advisor" of the Customer Service Department of


Five. Refusal to delete registered user information

5.1 The registered user does not have the right to request the deletion of the information of his/her spouse/spouse, and in case of a request, refuse to delete it;


5.2 In case of rejection, the person who made the request and the respective users will be notified within 5 working days.


5.3 The company is obliged to store customer data for at least 6 years according to Mongolian law.